Jakten på Kraften



Vattenfall wanted to create content for the web that highlighted their experts and their work for a fossil-free society.

The target group was broad: people aged 25-59 with an interest in new technology and environmental issues. As this was Vattenfall’s first major content campaign, we did not know what to expect in terms of views and completion rate, which were our main KPIs.

We knew that the industry benchmark for completion rate was around 26%, but that applies to an average length of 30 seconds long film. This became a zero measurement for content campaigns of this scale.

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Based on the insight that in order to succeed with climate change, we need to give each other strength, we developed and produced a web series that shows innovative solutions that exist today.

How will we succeed in converting to a fossil-free society and what will the energy production of the future look like?

During 8 episodes, we get to follow the host Hannes Sjöblad, where he goes out to get answers and meets researchers, inventors/visionaries from the academy, established companies as start-ups and of course experts from Vattenfall.

In the research work, we discovered that there were so many interesting initiatives and research projects to tell about, that’s why we landed in a web series of 8 episodes of about 10 minutes. We asked ourselves the question: Would the target group be able to absorb the solid content?

The entire episodes were published on Youtube and via a landing page for the series on vattenfall.se. Shorter teasers, 15-30 seconds were used on Facebook and Instagram and drove traffic to the landing page


The campaign exceeded all expectations for both Youtube and Facebook / Instagram. Despite the long episodes of up to 10 minutes, we had a completion rate of 19%, which meant that over 650,000 of the screenings watched the entire episode.

In social media, we reached 39% completion rate with our 20 second long trailers. Here, too, we exceeded the market benchmark by 9.33%.

Considering that the goal was to engage the audience, we reached that goal with flying colors. One lesson from this is: The length of the films does not matter, as long as you have something interesting to tell in an appealing format and turn to the right audience.

Completion rate on Youtube (10 minute episodes)
0 %
Millions of views on Youtube

Completion rate on social media (20 second clip)
0 %